This may cause performance penalty.=╬Γα ∞εµσ Σα ΣεΓσΣσ Σε ∩αΣ φα ∩σ≡⌠ε≡∞αφ±Φ≥σ.
Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=╚∞α ±α∞ε %d%% ±δεßεΣφε ∞σ±≥ε φα ΣΦ±Ωε≥ %s.
No CPU L2 cache found.=═σ σ ∩≡εφα╝Σσφα CPU L2 Ωσ° ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α≥α.
Pentium FDIV bug detected! Please contact Intel Corporation for assistance.=─σ≥σΩ≥Φ≡αφα σ Pentium FDIV π≡σ°Ωα! ╩εφ≥αΩ≥Φ≡α╝≥σ ╝α Intel Corp. τα ∩εΣ≡°Ωα.
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=╧εΓσ¥σ≥ε 3D Φπ≡Φ ≡αßε≥α≥ ∩εΣεß≡ε αΩε Φ∞α 256kb L2 Ωσ° ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D Φπ≡Φ ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 1GHz CPU.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=╟α ε∩≥Φ∞αδφΦ ∩σ≡⌠ε≡∞αφ±Φ , Win9x ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 100MHz CPU.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=Windows 2000+ ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 300MHz CPU τα φε≡∞αδφα ≡αßε≥α.
MMX is not supported.=MMX Φφ±≥≡≤Ω÷ΦΦ≥σ φσ ±σ ∩εΣ≡µαφΦ.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE Φφ±≥≡≤Ω÷ΦΦ≥σ φσ ±σ ∩εΣ≡µαφΦ. ═αΣεπ≡αΣσ≥σ πε Γα≈Φε≥ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τα Σα πΦ ταß≡τα≥σ α∩δΦΩα÷ΦΦ≥σ ΩεΦ ∩εΣ≡µ≤Γαα≥ SSE Φφ±≥≡≤Ω÷ΦΦ.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=─σ≥σΩ≥Φ≡αφΦ ±σ ∩ε∞αδΩ≤ εΣ 3 ∞σ∞ε≡Φ±ΩΦ ±δε≥α. ┴Φ ∞εµσδε Σα Φ∞α ≥σ°Ωε≥ΦΦ ±ε φαΣεπ≡αΣ≤Γα£σ≥ε φα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α≥α.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=╚∞α≥σ Φφ±≥αδΦ≡αφε ∩ε∞αδΩ≤ εΣ 32 MB ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ ε∩σ≡α≥ΦΓφΦ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 128 ╠┬ ±Φ±≥σ∞±Ωα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α τα ε∩≥Φ∞αδφα ≡αßε≥α.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=3D Φπ≡Φ≥σ ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 256 ╠┬ ±Φ±≥σ∞±Ωα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α τα ε∩≥Φ∞αδφΦ ∩σ≡⌠ε≡∞αφ±Φ.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=╤σ≡Γσ≡±ΩΦ≥σ ⌠≤φΩ÷ΦΦ ßα≡αα≥ ∞ΦφΦ∞αδφε 256 ╠┬ ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α τα ε∩≥Φ∞αδφα ≡αßε≥α.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=─εΣαΣσ≥σ ≤°≥σ ±Φ±≥σ∞±Ωα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α τα Σα ╝α τπεδσ∞Φ≥σ ß≡τΦφα≥α φα α∩δΦΩα÷ΦΦ≥σ.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=╫Φ∩±σ≥ε≥ φσ ∞εµσ Σα ╝α Ωσ°Φ≡α ÷σδα≥α ±Φ±≥σ∞±Ωα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α.
External cache is asynchronous.=┼Ω±≥≡α Ωσ° ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α≥α σ εΣ α±Φφ⌡≡εφ ≥Φ∩.
External cache is disabled.=┼Ω±≥≡α Ωσ° ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α≥α σ Φ±Ωδ≤≈σφα.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Detektirana je spora memorija (FPM / EDO / BEDO). └Ωε σ Γετ∞εµφε φαΣεπ≡αΣσ≥σ φα SDRAM ΦδΦ RDRAM .
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D Φπ≡Φ ßα≡αα≥ ß≡τα ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM)
AGP is disabled.=AGP σ εφσΓετ∞εµσφ.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP Apperture size σ ∩εΓσ¥σ εΣ ∩εδεΓΦφα≥α φα ±Φ±≥σ∞±Ωα≥α ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=╧εΣ≡µαφα≥α ß≡τΦφα φα AGP ±εßΦ≡φΦ÷α≥α φσ σ ∩εΣ≡µαφα ÷σδε±φε.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=╤Φ±≥σ∞±ΩΦε≥ BIOS σ ∩ε±≥α≡ εΣ ΣΓσ πεΣΦφΦ.└Ωε σ Γετ∞εµφε,φαΣεπ≡αΣσ≥σ πε.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=┬ΦΣσε BIOS-ε≥ ∩ε±≥α≡ εΣ ΣΓσ πεΣΦφΦ.└Ωε σ Γετ∞εµφε,φαΣεπ≡αΣσ≥σ πε.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=╚═±≥αδΦ≡αφ σ ±α∞ε σΣσφ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡,Ωε≡Φ±≥σ≥σ ±α∞ε σΣφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡±ΩΦ HAL.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Windows 2000+ ßΦ ∞εµσδσ Σα ≡αßε≥α≥ φα Γα°Φε≥ Ωε∞∩╝≤≥σ≡. ╨ατ∞Φ±δσ≥σ εΩεδ≤ φαΣεπ≡αΣßα.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Windows 98/Me ßΦ ∞εµσδσ Σα ≡αßε≥α≥ φα Γα°Φε≥ Ωε∞∩╝≤≥σ≡. ╨ατ∞Φ±δσ≥σ εΩεδ≤ φαΣεπ≡αΣßα.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=╚φ±≥αδΦ≡αφΦε≥ Service pack σ ∩≡σ±≥α≡. ╧≡σ∩ε≡α≈≤Γα∞σ Service pack 5+ τα ≡αßε≥α ∩εΣ Windows NT.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows-ε≥ ≡αßε≥Φ ∩εΣεδπε εΣ 10 Σσφα. ╨σ±≥α≡≥Φ≡α£σ≥ε ¥σ ∞≤ πΦ τπεδσ∞Φ ∩σ≡⌠ε≡∞αφ±Φ≥σ.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer-ε≥ σ ∩≡σ±≥α≡ Γσ≡τΦ╝α≥α 5+ ΦδΦ ∩επεδσ∞α σ ∩≡σ∩ε≡α≈αφα.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=DirectX φσ σ ∩≡εφα╝Σσφ,∞εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ Φπ≡Φ Φ α∩δΦΩα÷ΦΦ ßα≡αα≥ Σα Φ∞α Φφ±≥αδΦ≡αφε DirectX.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=╚φ±≥αδΦ≡αφα≥α Γσ≡τΦ╝α φα DirectX-a σ ∩≡σ±≥α≡α. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ Φπ≡Φ ßα≡αα≥ DirectX 7+.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=├≡α⌠Φ≈Ωα≥α Ωα≡≥α Φ∞α 4 ╠┬ ΦδΦ ∩ε∞αδΩ≤ ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α. ═αΣεπ≡αΣσ≥σ ╝α τα ∩εΣεß≡Φ ∩σ≡⌠ε≡∞αφ±Φ.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D Φπ≡Φ ßα≡αα≥ φα╝∞αδΩ≤ 32 ╠┬ ΓΦΣσε ∞σ∞ε≡Φ╝α.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=╟πεδσ∞σ≥σ ╝α ≡στεδ≤÷Φ╝α≥α τα ∩ε≤Σεßφα ≡αßε≥α.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=╟πεδσ∞σ≥σ ╝α Σδαßε≈Φφα≥α φα ßεΦ≥σ τα ∩ε≤Σεßφα ≡αßε≥α.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=═σΩεΦ α∩δΦΩα÷Φ ≡αßε≥α≥ ∩εΣεß≡ε ±ε 32-ßΦ≥φα Σδαßε≈Φφα φα ßεΦ≥σ.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=╩ε≡Φ±≥σ£σ≥ε φα πεδσ∞Φ ⌠εφ≥εΓΦ ∞εµσ Σα ∩≡σΣΦτΓΦΩα ∩≡εßδσ∞Φ Ωα╝ ∩≡επ≡α∞Φ≥σ ΩεΦ φσ πε ∩εΣ≡µ≤Γαα≥ ≥εα.
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=85Hz σ ∩≡σ∩ε≡α≈αφα ⌠≡σΩΓσφ÷Φ╝α Ωα╝ Ωδα±Φ≈φΦ≥σ ∞εφΦ≥ε≡Φ.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=┬Ωδ≤≈σ≥σ ╝α IP header Ωε∞∩≡σ±Φ╝α≥α τα Σα εΓετ∞εµΦ≥σ ∩επεδσ∞ ∞≡σµσφ ∩≡ε≥εΩ φα ∩εΣα≥ε÷Φ.
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=┬Ωδ≤≈σ≥σ ╝α ±ε⌠≥Γσ≡±Ωα≥α Ωε∞∩≡σ±Φ╝α τα Σα πε ταß≡τα≥σ ∩≡ε≥εΩε≥ φα ∩εΣα≥ε÷Φ Γε ∞≡σµα≥α..
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-ßΦ≥φε≥ε ≡σφΣσ≡Φ≡α£σ φσ σ ∩εΣ≡µαφε.╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα..
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Z-Buffer φσ σ ∩εΣ≡µαφ. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-bit Z-Buffer φσ σ ∩εΣ≡µαφ. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Anisotropic Filtering φσ σ ∩εΣ≡µαφ. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Stencil Buffer-Φ≥σ φσ ±σ ∩εΣ≡µαφΦ. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Hardware Transform & Lighting φσ ±σ ∩εΣ≡µαφΦ. ╠εΣσ≡φΦ≥σ 3D-Φπ≡Φ πε ßα≡αα≥ ≥εα.